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Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 1
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 1
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 2
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 3
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 4
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 5
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 6
  • Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English - zdjęcie 7

Twm Issue 25 Wheels, Tracks & Surfaces (English
AMMO of Mig Jimenez 4524

34,30 zł

Termin wysyłki Nieokreślony


The Weathering Magazine is the only magazine completely focused on the painting and aging techniques of scale models and figures, created to meet your modelling aspirations.
    In this issue bring you step by step articles focused on representing all the effects that can be seen on contact surfaces such as wheels, tracks, wings, and even boots! Through the inspiring work done by our collaborators, you will learn the most innovative and appropriate techniques specific to each subject, allowing you to realistically customize your vehicles and integrate the various elements determined by each subject’s environment. This is a fundamental consideration for all modelers, and in this issue you will learn critical aspects of placing your favorite models in a given setting, as well as how to apply the type of wear specific to the peculiarities of the physical environment. This issue is lush with inspiration and far too many tips and techniques to list. As you have come to expect from The Weathering Magazine, this issue is composed of articles lush with step-by-step detailed explanations on how to execute each technique and use each product with ease through high-quality images and concise descriptions.
    This long-awaited new issue is destined to be one of your favorite resources, where each page will be a source of inspiration for all.

Szczegóły produktu
AMMO of Mig Jimenez 4524


Termin wysyłki
Przewoźnik Informacje Cena
Regular mail 2 weeks - 2 months 83,64 zł
Priority mail 1-2 weeks 154,98 zł
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